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Selectmen's Minutes February 24, 1998
Minutes - Selectmen’s Meeting of February 24, 1998

Selectmen Present:  Chairman Charles Flynn, Judy Murdoch, Cathy Kuchinski, Daniel Webster, Peter Jones and Executive Secretary Joseph Nugent.  

I.      Chairman Flynn called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m. by introducing Troop 97 and their Troop Leader Steve Amico.  Each Scout introduced themselves by giving their name and their rank.  Mr. Amico discussed some of the projects these scouts will be involved in such as the Bottle Drive, Camp Kiwanee cleanups they will be going Whitewater Rafting and Camping this summer.  Last week the scouts built  a camp gadget while camping out at Camp Kiwanee.  The gadget was carved to hold equipment.  Mr. Amico finished by offering to provide the planting of trees around the new Town Hall Addition.  The Board thanked the Scouts for coming in and Selectmen Kuchinski donated cans to the Scouts after the Scouts mentioned that they are always looking for donations if anyone is interested.  

II.     Betty O’Sullivan, PK-8 Building Committee - O’Sullivan began by inviting the Selectmen for a trip through the New Middle School  on Saturday February 28th at 11:00am.  

The Building Committee would like to request from the Selectmen that an Article be put on the Annual Town Meeting Warrant  for 1.8 million dollars to add to the renovations of Indian Head School.  O’Sullivan explained that the original $5million that had been put in an Article will not be enough to completely take care of the whole project.  Construction will begin in January of 1999.  O’Sullivan went through the list of items that need to be taken care of :  painting of inside and out, windows, inside lights, new ceilings, lockers to be taken out and hooks hung, stage curtain, heating, traffic flow for busses, new ramp, foyer, kitchen, bleacher seats, roof repairs, move the library and convert the old library into 3 classrooms.  O’Sullivan explained the need for the extra money has arisen from unforeseen circumstances such as the need for an elevator, new code changes and mechanical situations.  Dave Lewick explained that this is a wonderful opportunity to get these things done while the Town will be reimbursed 79 Cents on the Dollar.  If the Town waits on these items, they will have to go in as Capital Improvement and the Town will pay 100%.  Dan Webster asked what the extra $800,000 was for.  Lewick answered it is for furniture, floors, ceilings, supplies, fixtures and a contingency.  Webster also asked what the technology is- the Architect from DRA told the Board this is for computers and software.  Kuchinski asked if the auditorium will have some type of system for Town Meetings and such.  DRA explained that the new Middle School does and that is where the Town Meetings have been proposed to be held.  Jones asked if the region should be supplying adequate furniture instead of the Town.  O’Sullivan stated that they have taken care of some of the issues but not all of them. Kuchinski asked if the Committee would please  surplus bid the furniture that can be saved.  Kuchinski asked about reimbursement of these projects.  O’Sullivan replied that for the Indian Head School project reimbursement will be in the year 2002 or 2003  and reimbursement for the Middle School will be expected in 2001.  Kuchinski asked that the Committee please let the taxpayers know what the financial impact  on the Tax Dollar will be.  Betty O’Sullivan believes it will be 15Cents per thousand with reimbursement, 39 Cents per thousand without reimbursement.

Flynn explained that the PK-8 Building Committee has been working very hard to come to this decision and that it would be better for the Town to take care of these issues now instead of at a later date.  Murdoch commented on how diligently the Building Committee has been working and she commends them.  She also wanted to explain that the Building Committee has been focusing its efforts on the Middle School and that might explain why they are coming before the Selectmen at this time.  Motion by Murdoch to put Article in the Warrant for the May Annual Town Meeting and also add to the Ballot at Annual Election, second by Webster.  5-0 Vote.

III.    Mr. & Mrs. Andrews regarding Snow Street- The Andrews introduced themselves to the Board and explained that a Mr. Dias has been violating a judgment order to stop driving his commercial vehicles  on Snow Street.  He continues to violate this court order and the Towns orders.  Mr. Andrews handed the Board a copy of the court decision from 1995.  Kuchinski asked if they are asking the Town to enforce the issue, the Andrews said yes.  Murdoch explained to the citizens who are not familiar with this case that there are large trucks taking wide turns into Snow Street, a very dangerous situation and the grading has caused a problem with dust for all residents on the street.  Jones asked how many residents are there on the street. Mr. Andrews- there are 4 houses.  Jones stated he is interested in a more creative approach such as  gate.  Kuchinski suggested this be referred to Town Counsel, the other members agreed.  

IV.     Wage & Personnel- Charlie O’Donnell, Chairman was present.  Charlie asked the Board if they have evaluated any of the Wage & Personnel employees.  No they have not as of yet.  Mr. O’Donnell asked if they would be done in March.  Flynn thought they probably could. O’Donnell inquired of the Board about the other contracts they are negotiating and if they know what percentage they will be giving.  Flynn did not feel comfortable giving out this information at this time.  The Board asked who had come before Wage & Personnel asking for increases.  O’Donnell stated that Building Department, Board of Health, Library, Senior Center, Treasurer/Collector, Police Chief (Administrative Position) and Accountant were in with different requests. The increase requests were anywhere from $3-$10 thousand dollars.  The next Wage & Personnel meeting will be Tuesday March 10, 1998.

V.      Water Commissioners -  Tom Dahlberg and Phyllis Bickford were present to request a Special Town Meeting on March 21st.  Mr. Dahlberg gave an explanation:  The issue is to sign a Contract with Brockton for a wellsite on Pleasant Street.  A handout was given to the Board members.  The Water Commissioners believe that they cannot afford to wait on this issue for the Annual Town Meeting.  It will require immediate action  and they feel the issue deserves the specific attention without being rushed for purposes of the Town  Meeting.  The Commissioners feel that waiting the six weeks for the Annual Town Meeting could cause the project to go into the year 2000.  
Selectmen Webster who is part of the Water Department Sub-Committee explained how this will work.  The first 10 years Hanson will receive 30,000 gallons of free water per day from Brockton while they take care of the well site in Hanson.  At the end of the 10 years Brockton will return the well site in good working condition to the Town of Hanson, at which time the Town of Hanson will take over the site.
Flynn asked the Town Clerk if this would be within the time frames to allow for a Special Town Meeting, Sandra Harris, Town Clerk said yes there would be enough time.  Flynn also inquired about the cost to the Town- Harris explained that it would cost $300 for the Stenographer, $100 for the Registrars to check in and whatever the cost would be for Town Counsel if the Selectmen decide. Webster also added that this is a win win situation for the Town.  Jones: (1) will this Pleasant Street site be a well field not a treatment plant? Yes. (2)What is the life expectancy? Phyllis answered that Brockton is required to maintain the site in good working condition. (3) Are we cleared with all permits for the proposed water main?  Dahlberg answered that this process won’t begin until it passes at Town Meeting, Brockton has been working on this process already. (4) Will the Control Building be landscaped etc.?  Phyllis replied that it won’t be able to be seen from the street but yet it will not be aesthetically unpleasant. (5) Has Brockton taken the necessary steps so that we will not be held up?  Dahlberg- yes they have.
Webster: (1) Will the Equipment be in the same working order as the start of the project?  Dahlberg- yes it is in the contract. (2) Have there been cost estimates agreed upon with Brockton to pump water to their treatment plant?  Phyllis- yes, wholesale rate at that particular time.  There was a comment from the audience - The pipes to Silver Lake going under the railroad tracks have already been put in place.  This would have been a large expense. Kuchinski (1) Will there be a public forum before the Town Meeting? Phyllis- Yes and a mailing too.  (2) When does the 30,000 gallons per day come in to play?  Dahlberg explained that we will begin to receive this water the day the project  is complete.  Flynn asked Mr. Dahlberg what the time frame is of the overall project, Dahlberg answered that it is scheduled to be completed in September of 1999. Flynn also asked if Brockton has all of their funding in place.  Dahlberg believes that they are all set to go.  
Motion by Kuchinski to hold a Special Town Meeting on Saturday March 21, 1998 at 1:00p.m. at Indian Head Memorial Auditorium, second by Murdoch.  5-0 Vote.

Motion by Kuchinski to open March 21, 1998 Special Town Meeting Warrant, second by Murdoch.  5-0 Vote

Motion by Murdoch to accept the Article by the Water Commissioners, second by Kuchinski.  5-0 Vote.

Motion by Kuchinski to close the March 21, 1998 Special Town Meeting Warrant, second by Jones.  5-0 Vote.

VI.     The First Congregational Church requests the use of the Town Hall Grounds and use of an electrical outlet on April 12, 1998 for Easter Sunrise Service.  Motion by Jones, second by Webster.  5-0 Vote.  

VII.    Vote to appoint Barbara Healy to the Board of Directors of Self Help, Inc.  Motion by Jones to appoint Ms. Healy to the Board of Directors of Self Help, Inc, second by Kuchinski.  5-0 Vote.

Kuchinski requested the Office send a letter of thanks and encourage Ms. Healy to send us a report occasionally.

VIII.   Chairman Flynn announced the South Shore Vocational Technical High School will be holding their open house on February 25, 1998 at 6:30p.m.-9:00p.m.

IX.     Vote to open the May 4, 1998 Special Town Meeting Warrant to close April 7, 1998.  Motion by Jones to Open the Warrant, second by Kuchinski.  5-0 Vote.

Action Requests:

Jones inquired as to whether or not the Planning Board has submitted any information regarding the Selectmen’s Request at their last meeting.  Nugent has not received any information as of yet.  Flynn would like to have this information next week.  Kuchinski (1) requested the Board discuss the letter received in the office pertaining to the Building Inspector .  Flynn stated that the Board is still waiting for information from the State.
(2) Have we heard anything back regarding the Earth Removal complaint on the Andruk property?  Nugent has sent a certified letter and expects to hear more from Mr. Andruk in a couple of weeks.  He did say that he is expanding the pond and also off Indian Head Street he is reshaping the existing bog to accommodate modern equipment.   (3) Have we had any response from Police and Highway re:  Stop Signs on Charles Street and Hancock Street in Monponsett area.  (4) Kuchinski mentioned the efforts of MunEnergy.  There was some discussion with regard to the new energy laws.   

Executive Secretary Report:

Nugent asked the Board to vote to designate the Town Clerk as the Official Liaison for the Federal Census 2000.  Motion by Kuchinski to designate the Town Clerk as the Liaison for the Federal Census 2000, second by Jones.  5-0 Vote.  At this point Selectman Kuchinski reminded the Citizens of Hanson to please fill out their census information because this is what the State goes by when giving out grants.

Nugent let the Board know there is another letter from the MBTA in the current mail.  

A petition from the residents on Rollercoaster Road has come into the Selectmen’s Office asking the Town to relieve some of the Safety Issues concerning the Street.  The Board of Selectmen are technically responsible for private ways. This will be extremely costly.  Kuchinski asked for a cost estimate.  Nugent would like to set a date with the Street Acceptance Committee to talk about these issues.  

Nugent mentioned the budget process is still continuing, the budget is not balanced yet.  

Jones mentioned a meeting he had attended this morning regarding Transportation Issues.  Senator Therese Murray was a speaker as well as Patrick Moynihan.  Jones suggested the office send a letter to Mr. Moynihan as Chairman of the Massachusetts Transportation Authority with our concerns.  

X.      Adjournment:  Motion by Jones to adjourn, second by Kuchinski.  5-0 Vote.  Meeting adjourned at 10:10 p.m.